Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood

This post is a departure for me in many ways! First, it’s not a Second Life photo blog. Second, it’s being posted from my phone! And finally, there won’t be a single photo of a person in these shots. It’s all about the things I see on my walks to and from the train each day. All of these photos were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S III.

This post does relate to Second Life in a way. A friend I met there asked for “a pic a day” from my life to be posted on Facebook. While some days I’m racing to get to the station on time and don’t have time to snap a quick pic, I do my best to honour her request 🙂

I may be cheating a bit for the challenge since I didn’t take these today, but these were all taken from my phone in my neighborhood.


This photo of an interesting root garnered much laughter when I first posted it. It’s right outside my front door.


This little fella hopped along the verge beside me for almost a full block before posing for me, then flying away.



And the final photos are my first attempt at playing with the photo editor on my phone. The original shot seemed rather uninspiring, but became dramatic when I turned it into a sketch.

I’m not sure about blogging from my phone on a regular basis, but I’ll certainly keep using it to capture my neighborhood and beyond.

You can see more posts for this challenge here.

11 thoughts on “Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood

  1. Allyson Mellone March 9, 2013 / 10:49 am

    Peep, this is really a peep. Interesting to see your other dimension 🙂

    • peepsideshow March 9, 2013 / 10:54 am

      Thank you! I am a bit of a peep…I didn’t post the photo of the amazing red hair I snuck while standing on the train platform. It seemed a bit intrusive to take it without her knowledge, but the shade of her hair was stunning and I was afraid if I spoke to her she would move and I’d lose the light! 😮

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