Calas Galadhon & The Discarded Textures

Calas Galadhon
Calas Galadhon

Yeah, I saw all of the warnings in probably every group that I’m in that Second Life was experiencing rezzing issues today. But I logged in and I rezzed fine, so I thought I must be one of the lucky ones. I was really looking forward to visiting Calas Galadhon so I hopped straight over, not even bothering to change clothes!

Since they only opened today, I was expecting it to be very busy. While there were other people there, with 13 sims to wander around it wasn’t difficult to avoid other visitors. And my plan was to brush up on my landscape photography, so I wasn’t worried about errant avatars popping into my shot.

I fired off a few snaps and then I noticed, for the very first time, the dreaded “# textures discarded due to insufficient memory 1” message at the bottom of my screen. I have read about this problem in blogs, on the Firestorm webpage and I’m aware there is even a JIRA for it, but I hadn’t experienced it myself before. I could click on a foggy texture get it to clear up, so I continued to roam, stopping frequently to take more photos.

After about an hour, I decided to take a look at my photos. And I was appalled to see that they ALL had the “textures discarded” message in 8-16 places all over the pictures! I was so disappointed. I pulled two images and spent AGES cloning and correcting the areas where the text was printed. And that’s as far as I got.

I’ll go back again soon. The Calas Galadhon Park is too lovely to have to distort a single pixel of a photo removing unwanted text. It is a place to just enjoy and capture the beauty of the landscape.

You can keep up to date on happenings at Calas Galadhon by joining their in-world group of following their blog.

8 thoughts on “Calas Galadhon & The Discarded Textures

  1. caoimhelionheart September 2, 2013 / 11:46 pm

    I’ve never had that issue and hope I never do. Especially since last week every time I put an item on I’d turn gray. Thankfully I fixed that over the weekend, but if I have that issue today I just might look for a bridge.. Gorgeous picture Peep! ❤

    • PeepSideshow Darkward September 3, 2013 / 7:03 am

      I really hope it was just Second Life being naughty for the day. It seems there were major problems all over the grid. Don’t worry about it for now…you can cross that bridge when you come to it 😉

      Hugs ❤

  2. purplebutterflylykin September 3, 2013 / 8:05 am

    I’ve had a few issues ever since the SSB changes happened. Thankfully tho nothing like this. Crossing my fingers it doesn’t happen to often.

    • PeepSideshow Darkward September 3, 2013 / 8:31 am

      I’m really hoping it was a fluke. It will certainly put a damper on my photography if it continues 😦 I’ll be reading up to see if there is anything I can do to correct it!

  3. Cougar Sangria September 4, 2013 / 5:20 am

    Peep this photo is lovely. I haven’t experienced textures dropping…..yet. I hope I never do.

    • PeepSideshow Darkward September 4, 2013 / 5:32 am

      Thank you so much 🙂 It seemed fine again yesterday – I really do hope it was a one-off.

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