Google Meme: Goofling Peep

1 Finesmith LG_004

Well, I must say, this week’s meme was a bit of an eye-opener. Miss Berry has asked us to Goofle ourselves (this is the term my sweetheart and I use for Googling, due to a hilarious typo 😀 ). Here’s what we’re supposed to do:

Meme instructions: Google your SL name and answer the following questions. Don’t forget to leave a comment with a link to your post here so we can all drop by, read and be nosy. Optional: click over to Emily’s blog and do her Google challenge as well. Don’t forget to leave a comment in her post if you end up doing it, so she can come stalk you guys too!

Before you start to answer these questions, open up a fresh browser and clear cache if you can. Make sure you are not logged into your Google account and it might even be better if you open up a incognito window.

This challenge is actually in two parts: the first is about our SL name and the second is comparing our SL and RL names. I’m going to include both, but to be honest, I am sorry I did the second part. But since I did, I’ll explain why when I get to that section.


1. Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. When I Google “Peep Sideshow” I get about 4,000 hits. Interestingly, I use PeepSideshow Darkward as my Google Authorship name (which I linked a couple of months ago) and I come up with about 1,580 hits. But since Peep Sideshow is my SL name, I’m going to use that to complete this challenge.

2. What is the first link that comes up? Oddly enough, it’s my page. I say “oddly enough” because this is a page I set up when I created my blog at WordPress. I had never heard of before then, and I think I’ve visited the site two or three times since I created my account. LOL looking at the photo, I think I need to log in and update my profile – it’s one that I did months ago, and I’m pretty sure I’ve improved my skills since then. *runs to update now (if I can remember my password) in case anyone clicks the link* 😉

3. Which link were you surprised to see? There wasn’t one particular link that surprised me; rather, there were two types of links that opened my eyes.

First, there are a LOT of sites out there that pull images from Flickr. They use the Flickr API, but “are not endorsed or certified” by Flickr. These sites make me a little nervous – one I found only displays the © symbol in place of the photos, but most actually show the images, regardless of the copyright status. I had no idea these sites existed, although I’m not quite sure what to do about it or whether or not I should be concerned.

Second, I comment on a lot of blog posts. And I mean, a LOT. I knew I was chatty, but I had no idea how many different blogs I have left a comment on! I think I should be a little embarrassed and a little less verbose o.O

4. Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from. The first image is my avatar (the original, now sneakily changed). The second is the photo from the completion of the first week of the Avatar Blogger Month Challenge, of which I am quite proud. I still display my gold star on my blog page for successfully completing the challenge 🙂 The next eight are entries I have made for Single Frame Stories. I really need to get back to posting for SFS! I love that challenge, but I haven’t felt I had anything creative enough to include lately. There are also a lot of photos I have “liked” or connected to blog posts I have commented on. One particular blogger kind of stands out; Berry, I swear, I’m a follower – NOT a stalker!

5. Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results. Newp. I’m not newsworthy!

Now for the second part of this challenge. Sighs.

I have a rather unusual first name – particularly the spelling, with a rather common last name, so I was surprised to find about 1,350 hits under my name. Only a very few are related to me, but the first thing I noticed was in the images that popped up. I recognised a photo of my sister, so I switched over to the Image page. It was a shock, but I guess it shouldn’t have been a surprise to find that my name is linked to both my sister’s and my mother’s obituary photos. Needless to say, it was a rather somber moment. But both of these remarkable women loved life and loved to laugh, so I’m going to try to just smile and remember those two amazing women as the inspiration they both were.


1. How did the two digital footprints compare, and did that surprise you? Unsurprisingly, my SL name is much more prominent than my real name. I have worked equally hard to maintain my real life anonymity and promote my SL name online (at least in the past 10 months since I started my in world photography business and blog).

2. Does anyone interesting share your name? While there are a couple of doctors who share my name, the most surprising find was that another woman with my name lives in the same small town my cousin does.

3. Are you happy with the size of your digital footprint, or do you wish either one was larger/smaller? Yes, I am. I would have liked to see more of my individual blog posts listed, but I am hoping that will come in time.

4. If you woke up/ logged in one morning to discover over night you had suddenly gained rock-star status, and everybody knew who you were and wanted to know what you were doing… what would you do? I would completely freak out. ‘Nuff said.

The lovely dress and jewelry set I am wearing are both to be found at the new round at Cosmopolitan Sales Room. Don’t forget the CSR 1st Anniversary hunt is going on and Tuesday is the SLebrity SLection Street Sale, which includes items that are either 50L or 50% off. It’s only one day, so make sure you pop over to check it out!

Pretty stuff I’m wearing:

*Dress: [LG] K Collection Pusher Love Girl 2Dress by Kim Lysette (available at Cosmopolitan Sales Room)
*Jewelry: FINESMITH- LAETITIA MV JEWELRY- FULL SET GOLD14K by yula Finesmith (available at Cosmopolitan Sales Room)
Hair: Maitreya Siri – Red by Onyx LeShelle
Skin: [PXL] Creations – [PXL] JADE SK WineLight Lips MEB C2 by Hart Larsson
Makeup: [PXL] Creations – [PXL]JADE SK Smokey Eyes (tattoo) by Hart Larsson
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual by Siddean Munro
Hand appliers:[PXL] Creations – [ PXL ] Slink Hands Appliers SK by Hart Larsson
Eyes: Amacci Gaze Eyes – Ocean Blue by Carina Larsen

Pose: aDORKable Poses: Sunny 4 by Adorkable Peapod (NLA)

*Review copies

7 thoughts on “Google Meme: Goofling Peep

    • PeepSideshow Darkward October 15, 2013 / 10:09 am

      I really did love doing that challenge, and it introduced me to so many amazing people! ❤

      • Vanessa Blaylock October 15, 2013 / 12:47 pm

        Me too! And that LEA11 residency wound up being the end of my “Virtual Performance Art” career, and the beginning of my “Virtual Public Art” career! 😀


  1. caoimhelionheart October 15, 2013 / 12:28 pm

    Learned something more and love you more than ever. I wanna become an Aussie and be Peeps adopted sister. Xox

    • PeepSideshow Darkward October 15, 2013 / 12:47 pm

      You are welcome to be my adopted sister, whether you’re in Oz or not. Remember, Peep is an ex-pat ❤

  2. Strawberry Singh October 17, 2013 / 12:27 am

    Well first, I would love it if you were my stalker! 😛 Also, sorry to hear about your mom and sister. I love what you wrote about them. I always appreciate the way you write things, even when you are just rambling and being goofy or speaking from the heart, it’s always very powerful. Thank you so much for being so kind and generous with your writing and all your comments. We love your verboseness (I just made up a word yay) and hope you don’t stop! ❤

    • PeepSideshow Darkward October 17, 2013 / 4:11 pm

      lol I know no other way than utilising my verbosity 😀

      Oh wait, I meant verboseness 😉

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